Hundreds of satisfied customers
About Us
Text about our company

With over 12 years of experience, XWS is one of worldwide leading manufacturer of PCB prototyping, low volume high mix to high volume . Founded in 2006 with 200 employees and 5000sq.m Of production in Huizhou and headquartered in Shenzhen, We developed ourselves from a small company to a full service provider and support our customers with production, logistics and after sales service.
With advanced PCB technology, XWS can offer 1-28 Layer standard PCB, gold finger PCB, multi-layer, aluminum-based PCB, mixed-pressure PCB, HDI and micro-hole PCB etc..We shaped the international network of marketing and technique, offering more than 20000sq.m capacity monthly with the good quality service.
Our Products
Browse qua the following product new the we
XWS Custom Control Aluminum SMD 5050 Led Strip ...
XWS Double Side Immersion Au Printed Cricuit Bo...
XWS 94v0 Board Car Driving Control Immersion Go...
XWS 94v0 Board Electronics Assembly Circuit Boa...
XWS High Frequency Power Supply FR4 HDI Circuit...
XWS Communication Phase Shift Immersion Silver ...
XWS Multi-layer ENIG Blind Burried Vias HDI PCB...
XWS Immersion Silver 4 Layer Communication Towe...
New Arrival
Browse qua the following product new the we
XWS 94v0 Circuit Board Control 4 Layer USB PCBA...
XWS OEM SMT Service FR4 Multilayer Printed Circ...
XWS 94v0 Electronic FR4 HSAL Double Side PCBA B...
XWS SMT Custom Control Multilayer PCB Assembly ...
XWS SMT OEM Service FR4 94v0 Circuit Board Doub...
XWS 94v0 Circuit Board FR4 4 Layer Charger PCB ...
XWS 94v0 Circuit Board Custom FR4 1.6mm Multila...
XWS OEM Service Electronic FR4 Multilayer PCB P...
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